December 2024: BOOT Dive Award 2025
🎉SEAYOS is nominated in the product category of the BOOT (Düsseldord, Germany) Dive Award. 🥳
Final verdict on 24/01/25 at Düsseldorf 🤞
More info on:
September 2024: The Seayos Pro-M is now available!
Discover our new model, the SEAYOS Pro-M, which allows communication with a tablet (or computer), offering an enhanced interactive display of the diver's evolution and new functions.
August 2024: new video on our Youtube channel!
This video presents SEAYOS multiple applications in different dive configurations (classic backmount, DPV -underwater scooter-, sidemount, tek setup, ...).
April 2024: update of our websites
Several pages of our websites and have been expanded and their menus have been reorganised.
October 2023: the SEAYOS team took part in the 11th edition of ECE11
And was pleased to sponsor this 11th European Conference on Echinoderms, organised by the Claude Bernard University of Lyon.
September 2023: our website dedicated to professional divers is now online
Professional divers now have a dedicated SEAYOS website (
with models specially developed to meet their needs: SEAYOS Tek HD, SEAYOS Pro and SEAYOS Monitor.
July 2023: Plongez! magazine presents SEAYOS Monitor
Preview some of the features of our new model SEAYOS Monitor, which will be soon marketed.
It will enrich our brand-new range dedicated to professional divers.
👉 Plongez!, issue #46, page 29.
June 2023: SEAYOS in action with...
...the scientific diving team of the IEEM CREM core facility of the CNRS (University of Perpignan / CNRS) 👌
January 2023: SEAYOS is showcased in the magazine Plongez!
Find a presentation of our new model, the SEAYOS Pro, on page 33, issue #43. The SEAYOS Pro will be soon marketed!
October 2022: SEAYOS in action: a DPV dive!
SEAYOS and DPV (Diver Propulsion Vehicle): it's possible! See the new video on our YouTube Channel:
September 2022: Hélène from Different Dive has tested the SEAYOS!
She tells you all about it on her blog:
July 2022: Bastille Day... and SEAYOS' Day!
It's already been a year since SEAYOS marketing launch!
And the "SEAYOS idea" was born almost 5 years ago... A product designed and made in France!
May 2022: SEAYOS Tek new features!
SEAYOS Tek was enriched with 3 new functionalities:
- Map backgrounds 🗺 which enable divers to locate themselves in relation to pre-identified zones
- Annotations 📝 which allow to associate a symbol with the recorded points
- Favourites 💙 creation is now be done directly from the SEAYOS (novelty also available for the SEAYOS Back and Track), without having to use its PC interface.
March 2022: 23rd Paris Dive Show!
We were waiting for it eagerly after two years marked by the Covid crisis, Paris Dive could at last open its doors!
Four days of intense exchanges during which we were pleased to introduce you the SEAYOS!
January 2022: Paris Dive Show is postponed in march 2022
Originally scheduled for 7-10 January 2022, it is delayed by two months due to the health situation... 😷
The SEAYOS team will be happy to meet you from 11 to 14 March 2022, at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.
December 2021: Paris Dive Show preparations are under way!
Come and meet us on our booth at the Paris Dive Show, from January 7 to 10, 2022 👌
October 2021: The magazine Chercheurs d'Eau dedicates an article to the SEAYOS!
Read the article in the issue number 71 available online:
September 2021: SEAYOS YouTube channel now online!
A YouTube channel dedicated to the SEAYOS was created. You'll find regularly new videos presenting
its characteristics, the differences between the three different models, ... and many other things !
July 2021: SEAYOS commercial launch!
On July 14th, it is the French National Day... and also, the SEAYOS Day with its commercial launch! 🎆
June 2021: The SEAYOS is now CE certified!
It was the final step before the beginning of marketing...
May 2021: The SEAYOS packaging is unveiled!
The SEAYOS will come with its spool and its USB cable with a nice protective cover for each of them.
All this matching with the SEAYOS fabric part! 👌
March 2021: 1 device, 3 models
3 SEAYOS models to customise, (almost) unlimited colour combinations 🌈 link to video presentation
January 2021: Goodbye 2020, now let's dive!
2020 is over, time has come to present a retrospective of the past year: link for the video retrospective
December 2020: Paris Dive Show is postponed...
We are awaiting a date to be fixed and we hope to welcome you to our booth soon!
November 2020: The new SEAYOS interface is now over!
A total change in organisation for functional use and ease of use.
October 2020: SEAYOS won the Prix PEPITE 2020 national award!
The awards ceremony took place on October 6th, in the presence of Madam Frédérique Vidal, Minister
of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and the other 28 national winners!
September 2020: Summer is over... Back to work with a redesigned website!
A more detailed presentation of the Seayos, new pages and photos!
August 2020: Photo shooting at sea for the Seayos
Several photo shooting dives were done with the first Seayos manufactured 👌
July 2020: Seayos new design is validated!
As well as its software and its PC interface! The Seayos launch date is getting closer...
June 2020: Here it is, the Seayos dive spool !
Simple, beautiful and efficient, it goes with the Seayos
May 2020: Start of production of the second pre-series!
New range of colors under construction and many other things...
April 2020: New version of the PC interface!
Many new functions!
March 2020: Confined...
...but still at work!
February 2020: Work in progress on the Seayos 🚧
New features to come very soon!
January 2020: The Seayos makes its show... the Paris Dive Show! Wonderful encounters and great projects on the horizon!
December 2019: Seayos: ready for the show!
Paris Dive Show is coming... Seayos will be exhibited for the first time!
November 2019: Seayos, track your dive!
Nothing could be clearer... Map interface ready!
October 2019: It's decided, Seayos will be at the next Diving Show in Paris!
Come and see us from January 10 to January 13, 2020 at the Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles!
September 2019: The pilot series production comes to an end
After its launching in July and an intense production period, the first ten copies are almost ready!
August 2019: Seayos arrives on social networks...
Follow from now on the Seayos progress on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram !s
July 2019: Launching of the summer campaign!
Intense series of sea trials in the Mediterranean with a Seayos at its best! Regardless of the spot and the site, Seayos guides us like a pro : it had become an essential companion.
June 2019: Here we go again for a redesign!
Refinement of the line, optimization of the catch in hand and... 20 grammes saved!
May 2019: Test campaign... in troubled waters!
At the bottom, the water is at 11 degrees and the visibility is not over 3 meters... But we are serene in our drysuits: the Seayos brings us back perfectly to the boat!
April 2019: Total redesign of the software
Ergonomy comes firts and introduction of new functions, including mapping ones.
February 2019: New evolution of the design
We round the corners: best taken in hand, process optimization and... it is more chic!
January 2019: International extension of the patent
One year after the French patent filling: let's set our sights abroad!
October 2018: Ergonomics improvement
Implementation of a unique command with two functions.
The interface with a single button has reached its limits.
August 2018: Summer relooking for the Seayos
With the summer coming up, a relooking of the housing was required. The electronics was changed to increase the Seayos memory so its housing adapted to this change with a new shape. Here comes a less cumbersome and more ergonomic housing!
June 2018: Registration of the brand Seayos®
After the patent, it was time for registering the brand !
April 2018: Sea trial of the first prototype with onboard electronics
After a series of lab tests, time had come to test our first prototype under real conditions: here we go for a dive in the Spanish waters of the Mediterranean, right next to the French border!
February 2018: French patent filling
All the conditions are met for the registration: let's go!
January 2018: Sea trial of a cylindrical shaped housing
We tested a first shape of housing just equipped with a spare-air, a mask and fins!
Optimisation between weight, volume and buoyancy: OK!